Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Its so strange to see people trying to play safe all the time. I feel sick sometimes imagining them locked inside the carcass of flesh bone muck. I am stuck too somewhere...but haven't lost hope yet.

Its strange to look at them painting their fear with a word called simple or maybe moral or maybe plain...its fucking fear I tell you.

Why can't you embrace life with two arms open? Are you afraid that it hurts? Do you want it to look beautiful? It is man it is. But its beautiful instinctively. Not something that you gotta act smart or witty or clever to make it work. No gotta let it get on you. Like a wireworm creeping up your nostrils. You have to let it get inside...spreading all its slime. Lick your pain as if its cocaine. Its gonna feel good.

I am hearing strange lines in strange places. The true one's are true but. And free like the Indian summer. Forceful in lung and tongue.

And the strange lines continue. The urge and advice as to take up life a it comes or whether to make it as you want? Who knows what it wants? Who knows what you can do?

Sounds cryptic?? Thats what I want it to sound like. i take up life as it gets? Do you try stopping it from happening? Don't you love people in strange it wrong to fall into situations you never ever thought about?

I sometimes feel that they are resisting my struggle to live. My frantic ways to jump into it. Why are we so afraid? To live? I don't know.

I silently look at the carefully crafted meticulous observations of people about people...the grin of knowing them perfectly. The pride of unraveling the layers which define them. You might be true, but how are you so sure?

I have great problems in explaining myself to people. Often because I don't want to. But I do speak. I do tell.

Can you break the crypt of my tongue, can you decode the abstract? Will you take the pains?

I don't mind the observations on life. I don't mind the comparisons we make. I don't mind the straight fucking desire to play safe act simple in this fuckingly complicated life when others might or might not choose to do so and you still give a damn about it constantly hammering brains with some serious shit which don't fucking make sense to me.

I don't mind all of it at all. There is only one thing which pricks, sucks and pinches....That surety.

How can you be so sure friend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come home my darling
come home my sweet
out from the tentacles
of the deep

Come home my darling
come home my sweet
out from the lost woods
alone where you weep

Come home my darling
come home my sweet
off from the streets
where shadows creep

The kettle is boiling
Come home my sweet
A sweater in cream
Come home my sweet
The fire is dying
tonight where will you sleep?

Come home my darling
come home my sweet
your hand on my chest
feel a pained heart bleed
